Information meetings

Masters in Management

September 18, 2024
October 30, 2024

  • Online
Dates of information meetings from 18/09 to 30/10/2024
2 time slots available:
11:00 am OR 5:30 pm (French time)

Access map
Contact us
Emmanuelle Rochefort + 33 1 40 27 26 36
Acquire an ability to manage projects according to a wide range of methods, in particulary, methods focussed on the added value creation.

To participate to our online information meetings, please fill in the form in order to receive the link to access the session.

The meeting:

  • Introduction about Cnam & Department of Strategies
  • Curriculum of Master 1
  • Curriculum of Master 2 with 4 options:
  1. Project Management & Business Engineering
  2. International Business & Corporate Development
  3. E-Business & Digital Marketing
  4. Sustainable Development & Quality Management

Admission procedure, Catalog & Leaflets, Q&A, etc.

Leave us your feedback from the information meetings here

En savoir plus + See the full program of the Master in Management